Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Today we had our formative, i think it went ok, however im starting to feel a tad bit demotivated due to my story being very common, so i feel like i need to change the story and try and make it unique however it means we wasted so much time. But despite how i feel i thought it would be good if we could film some of the scenes so we can get the idea of how it may look obviously it was fun as i think it made the devloping of the story more fun, therefore trying to help motivate others as everyone seems like they give up. since we did some filming today, with the footage i got i will put them in some sort of order however we did not finish filming yet. From looking at the videos i think we may need top re shoot it all and this time as professional basis.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Our Logo And Our Chosen characters
Today i recieved the logo from Adam Smith, which i must say looks amazing, i am really happy with it, so thanks alot Adam. I also chose which characters will be using for the film, i decided to choose Ross's designs because visually they look really stunning and has very uniques style compare to all the characters in other group films. Ross is our visual artists so it was logical to stick with his designs because he is very good and what things should look like, he is quiet the perfectionist, which is good and is something i admire in his work.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
re enhancing the story.
After our talk with Jared and Dan during thursday and friday, we have discussed possible ways of making the sotry more entertaining to the audience, and due to our conversation i have decided to re write certain bits of the story. Also from our discussion we have another to very minor character to introduce, the cafe working guy and a little kid. so my task this weekend is to re write the bits of the story. We did start thumnailing for our previous version of the story and decided that something will need to change however its still looking good i think.
Wunderland Project Animation Test
The Run Cycle i did for Adam's film project Theres a war in Wunderland. This is a test anaimtion of one of his rigs. I did this run cycle over the weekend for him, he seemed quiet happy once i showed him in college, i decided to make the box com apart because i felt it brought more life to the character because they are simply just blocks.
Recieved Some More Chracter Designs From Ross Wilkinson and Jenny Morgan
Today i received some character designs from Ross Wilkinson and Jenny Morgan, they are all really good, i will be choose which characters ill be using for the film tomorrow, because i will need to think about all the designs in which i think will be good for the film.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
My Logo design
Our cafe shop need a logo, like every other coffee shop, so i did these, however i asked Ross and Des what they think and they didnt seem to like it. I got Adam Smith to design a logo for us after mine where turn down. As Adam has done a lot of grpahics work he seemed like the logical person to ask for help when designing a logo.

Monday, 15 October 2007
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Recieved Some Character Designs From James Lawrance
Woo, i have recieved some character designs from James Lawrance, They look really good, i'am quiet happy with the design of the old man however the old woman, i am not too shore about. However i did say that i will not decide on the characters until everyone who agreed to do some character design for me gives me there designs.
Friday, 12 October 2007
My Attempt at concept
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
We disscussed some more about the story and decided what sort of era we are looking at. As the characters are old we wanted to set there fashion and clothing during the 1930's-1960's, we also thought it would be good to have the cafe interior set in the 1930's but have in a contemporary era, so it gives the incentives of the chracters wanting to go there as it reminds them of there era. I did some research on the fashion in the library today so we can get a feel of what sort of clothes our charater should wear. I've been looking at the french vogue books from 1930's to 1960's, below is a couple of images i put together. This should help Ross, James and Jenny to design the characters.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Week 1
Today discussed our reserach findings and worked on the story, to get my team members invovlement into the story. I appointed Ross, James and Jenny to design some characters for the film, because i am not very good at desinging characters, however i gave them characteristics in which the characters should appear for example the old woman needs to be very short and large and the old man need to be tall and thin.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Frist Day (Week 1)
Today as a group we met up and discussed our research, which we will be doing and we rewrote part of the story. As a group we seem to have very similar ideas which mean we are working well together at the mo, but this is just the beginning who know what it will turn out like towards the end of the project, fingers cross we still stay friends.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Thursday, 4 October 2007
The Chosen One
Today was the result of the chosen 16 stories, and believe it or not mine was one of those 16. We then had to assemble into groups for the film which we intend to work on. I obviously stuck to mine because its something i want to do despite what the tutors said about "its a common story", i am going for a character animation piece not a script writting or story writting. I also offered my character animation skills and knowledge to Adam Smith and Kyle Elliot, So i will be maybe working on their film during the animation stages.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
The Pitch
The pitching process, well today was the pitch, i pitched my idea called the cafe de beignet. to cut the story shot its about a conflict of misunderstanding between elderly character over a bag of doughnut!!!, how cool does that sound. Anways it seemed to go ok i think even with my shaky voice due to my nervousness. However a few of the judges (tutors) said its been done before, as in being a common story, but at the end of the day i see it as an oppertunity to do some classic style of animation, because this story is a very chracter driven piece. Anwways fingers cross it gets chosen.
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