Today is hand in and i have spent most of the morning sorting out my folders, and editing the film, at the moment i think the film looks very nice and it has a very unique style to most of the films what will be shown at the degree show. Getting the Music to loop was quiet difficult however i think i manage to put it in there and i showed a couple of people and some can't tell its loop which is good. I am really happy at the way it looks however i am not happy with some my animation in there because it was rush due to not having alot of time to spend on the animation, however this will all hopefully be greatly improved for the Degree show. Also with the rendered video we can see that there are alot of glitches, so these will all be fixed. As a audience you can see that is has some potetial, and after seeing it come together it has given me more motivation on improving the film within the next 2 weeks. However saying that there are some scene which i really like and that scene being the one where she gets the waitor's attention and the tug of war scene, as i mentioned previously the tug of war scene was one of the hardest scene to do as i had to also animate the waitor and show a sense of struggle, i think i manage to achieve it, but it obviously needs to be improved. On a lighter note tho, i really like our film, the style, the character, the story everything about seemes to be looking up and i just hope we can improve it, and intrest some people from the industry.